Encouraging Independent Feeding Skills with EZ-PZ

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Are meal times stressful in your home? All the spills, tipping of bowls or plates and messes can definitely get old very quickly. It's important to remember that toddlers and many children are still learning how to use utensils and feed independently up until age 4. But, if you are looking for ways to make meal times less stressful and encouraging independent feeding skills, EZ-PZ can help!

I was provided free product from EZ-PZ to complete this review. All thoughts and opinions are 100% honest. A positive review was not required.

I have been wanting to try EZ-PZ products for a while with my son, so I was excited when EZ-PZ reached out to me and asked if I would try out one of their products. We decided to try the Happy Mat with my son who is 22 months old. I figured the 3 divided plate area would allow us to try many different foods to see how it worked with him.

Ben has been using a spoon now for a few months. I've also started introducing a fork to him, but he does better with a spork like utensil for things that need stabbed. He started out using our regular kids' plates and bowls and I was constantly picking up food off the floor and cleaning up spills from bowls tipping. I always took his shirt off because I knew it was only a matter of time before food would be smeared all over him.

One thing I liked about EZ-PZ right away was the thick silicone sits on the table surface without shifting or moving around. This made it easier for Ben to get food items out of his bowl or plate without it tipping or spilling on him.

He was able to figure out how to pick up the entire mat and move it himself. I corrected him and told him to sit and eat using our baby signs and he did not mess with it much after that. If you have a child who likes to throw or flip their bowls or plates, they will probably figure out how to move the entire mat. But, I also feel like it would take more effort since it is heavier to move.

Clean up was definitely easy peasy because all the EZ-PZ products can be put in a dishwasher. Ours sits nicely in the bottom rack, vertically. I did have a little trouble finding where to store it, since it does not fit in the drawer we have all our kid dishes in. If you have a larger kitchen and drawers, it should not be a problem finding a place to store.

EZ-PZ products were designed to help promote self feeders everywhere. The thick silicone mat sticks on table surfaces. And the higher sides of the bowls give children more space to get food onto their spoons or forks. If you have a child who is constantly tipping or spilling food trying to get it out of the bowl or plate, then EZ-PZ products could be the perfect solution for you.

Plus the fun designs make meal times more fun for your kiddos. And clean up is easier for you!

EZ-PZ has multiple products for all kinds of feeding situations, like their Mini-Mat for on the go feeding times (eating out or on a trip) and high-chairs.

The Happy Bowl is what I want to try next for our morning cereal times. And the Flower Play Mat would be perfect for play time and crafting.

Spend $40 or more with EZ-PZ, you will get free shipping on your order!

Heather Greutman, COTA

Heather Greutman is a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant with experience in school-based OT services for preschool through high school. She uses her background to share child development tips, tools, and strategies for parents, educators, and therapists. She is the author of many ebooks including The Basics of Fine Motor Skills, and Basics of Pre-Writing Skills, and co-author of Sensory Processing Explained: A Handbook for Parents and Educators.

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