Batman Sensory Bottle for Sensory Play

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I am so excited to have my friend Kati guest posting today. She is a dear friend in-real-life. Our two daughters are very close in age and love playing together. She has such a cute sensory bottle idea for you all today. As soon as I saw it at her kid's birthday party, I told her she needed to share it. This Batman sensory bottle will be a great addition to any super hero loving child's activities for the week.

Hi! I am Kati, once a special needs educator, now a mother of three spunky and energetic children. And as a family, we love all things Batman—especially the newest Lego Batman!

So, when it came time to plan a birthday party for the two oldest children who celebrate birthdays just six weeks apart, a Batman Bootcamp was the obvious choice! We had running and jumping, crawling and balancing, and of course water beads! I had everything for a great toddler birthday party!

But the problem was, my third isn’t quite a toddler yet. In fact, she’s only just a baby—hardly two months old at the party! I wanted to include her in the fun, too.
And I had the perfect solution: a Lego Batman Sensory Bottle!

How to make a Lego Batman Sensory Bottle

You will need:

To make this bottle, we followed the directions Heather gave on her 4th of July Discovery Bottle. We added our confetti and filled the bottle about ¾ of the way with hand sanitizer. Then the big kids topped it off with the water.

Unfortunately, the hand sanitizer removed the color from our confetti, clouding our bottle. So, I empty the bottle, washed the confetti to remove the remainder of the color, and we reassembled the bottle. Once we were close to the consistency we were looking for, I let the kids add in 5 yellow and black Legos. We then adjusted the gel/water mixer to allow the Legos to slowly fall before gluing the lid to the bottled and sealing it with duct tape.

Creating our Sensory Bottle was a wonderful way for the big kids to be involved in their party planning, and they loved the opportunity to make something for their sister, too! They will still pull the Batman Sensory Bottle from the shelf during the baby’s tummy time or while she practices sitting.

My mommy-to-be 5-year-old will talk to her baby sister and point to the different visual stimuli. She engages the baby by helping her touch and explores the bottle in many ways and she even taught her sister how to knock it over with a loud thud! (This is why it’s important to get good bottles—broken glitter-filled sensory bottles make a huge mess!) She will also use the bottle to help teach her little brother, age 3, about his colors and counting.

This simple bottle has prompted numerous learning experiences, fun conversations, and great bond time for the children. And it’s awesome, because, after all, it is Batman!

Heather Greutman, COTA

Heather Greutman is a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant with experience in school-based OT services for preschool through high school. She uses her background to share child development tips, tools, and strategies for parents, educators, and therapists. She is the author of many ebooks including The Basics of Fine Motor Skills, and Basics of Pre-Writing Skills, and co-author of Sensory Processing Explained: A Handbook for Parents and Educators.

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