Back to the Beginning – Our Trip to the Creation Museum

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“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.” John 1:1-3

It is not that often that we as Christians can enjoy a museum from a Christian viewpoint, let alone from a Creationist viewpoint. The Creation Museum sponsored Answers in Genesis is such a place! I was able to visit there a few weeks ago with a group of lovely ladies and homeschool bloggers from iHomeschool Network. We had a wonderful time; I was glad I was able to take my mom and daughter with me as well! That is what I love about blogging and the homeschool community. I get to visit great places, meet wonderful new friends and take my daughter to “work” with me every time!

I received free admission and also free admission to the planetarium show at the Creation Museum as part of the iHomeschool Network Blogger Meet Up in exchange for a review of our trip and sharing our experiences. I was not given any monetary compensation for my time or my thoughts. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are 100% honest and my own.

What is the Creation Museum all About?

I have been to the Creation Museum before and enjoyed it a lot! This was the first time taking my daughter through the actual museum part however. Since we live in the Greater Cincinnati area, we usually stop by the museum at Christmas time for their annual Bethlehem and live Nativity experience. If you ever get a chance to do it, I highly recommend going at Christmas time! The entire event outside is free to the public and part of the ministry of the Creation Museum.

The first part of the Creation Museum experience takes you through one of the most popular things in the museum; digging for dinosaurs and what really happened to all the dinosaurs. This is a fun area for kids to enjoy!

After the dinosaur exhibit,  journey through history and the attack on the Biblical account of Creation.

Go back in time to the beginning of the world, when everything was perfect, just as God designed it. You don't want to miss out on the special Six Days Theater to see a dramatic presentation of the 6 days of Creation.  Explore the Garden of Eden and all the beautiful things that God has made for us.

One of my favorite pictures in the whole museum is this one, which is located in The Wonders Room:

One of the really neat areas of the museum is about Noah and building the Ark.  Explore how tall the Ark really was and exactly what was used to build it!

From Creation on, the museum follows through the 7 C's of  History.

  • Creation
  • Corruption
  • Catastrophe
  • Confusion
  • Christ
  • Cross
  • Consummation

You also don't want to miss out on the dinosaur exhibits and the new Dr. Crawley's Insectorium!

Even though I have been here before with my husband, I always enjoy a visit to the Creation Museum. It is so nice to know that I can take my family, especially my daughter to a museum and not have to worry about explaining our world view to her instead of reading or learning about evolution. I am so thankful that AiG exists to help spread the news about God's love for us through the Creation viewpoint ! If you ever get a chance to visit in the Cincinnati area I highly recommend a visit to the Creation Museum. You can definitely spend all day there!

Not only is the museum fun (and don't forget to check out the two really cool planetarium shows!), but outside the museum is a beautiful garden and petting zoo, including camel rides! You also don't want to miss the 23 new zip lines, which is the largest zip line course in the Midwest!

What is the Most Asked Question At the Creation Museum?

Our group was privileged to meet and talk with Mark Looy, Co-Founder of Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum. He shared with us some of the history behind AiG and the Creation Museum and told us what the most asked question he gets about the Creation Museum is.

He shared with us that surprisingly, the most asked question he gets about the Creation Museum is “Why did you build it here?!” Here being in northern Kentucky area, off of exit 11 on the 275 belt way. And the answer is location, location location! When the Creation Museum was in the process of being planned and built in 1993, Cincinnati was named one of the top 10 cities to live in, in the nation! It is also within one days driving distance for over 190 million people which is 2/3 of the US population and it is also 2 exits away from an International Airport. Yes the Cincinnati airport is in Kentucky, not Ohio! 🙂 Mark said that they felt building the Creation Museum here would make the most impact! Since opening 6 years ago, the Creation Museum has had over 1.9 million visitors! God is definitely blessing the work at AiG and the Creation Museum.

Exciting Things Happening at Answers in Genesis!

Mark shared some exciting things that are happening at AiG and the Creation Museum.

If you have not heard of the Ark Encounter project by AiG, this is an exciting life size Noah's Ark themed attraction! It is going to be built between Cincinnati and Louisville in Kentucky off on interstate 75. Phase 1 of this project, which is the actual ark will be break ground next year!! You can keep up to date and even help to build the ark yourself by visiting the Ark Encounter website.

I want to thank AiG and the Creation Museum for allowing iHomeschool Network bloggers to spend the day there and also a special shout out to Meg from Homeschoolin Mama who set up our whole visit.

Heather Greutman, COTA

Heather Greutman is a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant with experience in school-based OT services for preschool through high school. She uses her background to share child development tips, tools, and strategies for parents, educators, and therapists. She is the author of many ebooks including The Basics of Fine Motor Skills, and Basics of Pre-Writing Skills, and co-author of Sensory Processing Explained: A Handbook for Parents and Educators.

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  1. It was so great to have met you this summer during our visit to the Creation Museum!

    1. That was so much fun! Hope to see you sometime this year at one of the homeschool conferences or Allume?!

  2. Thank you for the nice write up. It is much appreciated. I wanted to make note that the future Ark Encounter is not an amusement park, which suggests roller coasters and other thrill rides. It could be described as a historical themed attraction with an evangelistic thrust. Some of our detractors have used the word “amusement” in an attempt to make the Ark Encounter sound like some frivolous place. Thank you.


    Mark — at the Creation Museum

    1. Heather G. says:

      Hi Mark,

      Thank you! I have gone in and edited my sentence about the Ark Encounter. I definitely don’t want to detract from it! Thank you for pointing this out to me!


  3. Elizabeth from Creative Learning Fun says:

    What an exciting trip! I’d love to take the trip myself one day.It looks like you had a wonderful time!Thank you for sharing your experience with us. 🙂 Your pictures are amazing too!

    1. If you ever get a chance to come, let me know! We live near by and I would love to meet you! 😀

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