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Christmas Lights Scoop and Pour Activity for Kids



  • Paint the toilet paper rolls in your chosen colors. Allow time to dry.
  • Cut the toilet paper roll into strips to form the light bulbs.
  • Glue the “lights” onto the cardboard. Arrange them so a string of lights would lay if spread out on the surface. (You can draw the cord first if it’s easier.) Allow time for glue to dry.
  • If you haven’t already, draw the cord connecting each light with the black or green marker.
  • Place the matching pom poms in various containers.
    Christmas-themed activity setup featuring red and green glitter pom poms in white bowls, a metal scoop with red pom poms, and painted toilet paper roll strips resembling Christmas lights glued onto cardboard with a drawn string connecting them.
  • Have the kids scoop pom poms into the matching colored lights.