DIY Fine Motor ToolKit
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Do you ever see an idea and think “I wish I had thought of this sooner?”.
This happened to me when I attended my state's Occupational Therapy Association conference in November and saw a spin on this idea as a raffle. It was originally a handwriting toolkit (which I plan on creating and posting too), but I decided to do a fine motor toolkit spin on it.
Fine motor skills development is so important for your child's future skills in school, so having everything on hand and in one place is a great way to keep practicing these skills.
This toolkit would be perfect to have in your therapy practice (especially school-based) when you have to go between buildings or school districts.
If you are a teacher or parent, it is great to have all these supplies on hand to use as a fidget break or other fine motor tasks to warm up the hands.
Fine Motor Toolkit Items
Here are all the items you can use in your toolkit:
- Play Dough (homemade or store-bought)
- Nuts and bolts
- Clothes pins and ring game
- Fine Motor tweezers
- Fine motor tongs
- Bubble tongs
- Stickers
- Wikki Stix
- Squeeze ball
- Peg game
- Pom-poms
- Cotton balls
- Water dropper and/or turkey baster
- Glue sticks
- Glitter glue bottle
- Colored craft stick with velcro dots on each end
- Kwik Stix paint
- Beads and string for threading beads
- Kinetic Sand
- Cookie cutters
- Wooden blocks to make designs
Optional Items can include:
I found a 3-teared craft box from Sterilite to store all my fine motor toolkit items in.
After getting my container, I literally just walked around my house and pulled out all the fine motor tools and items I had and put them inside. I liked how compact this container was and it fit everything perfectly.
Free Fine Motor Toolkit Printable Download
If you would like a printable option of the list below, you can get it as a free download for subscribing. I also have a brand new 5 Days of Fine Motor Skills e-mail series that will be coming soon, so when you subscribe you will also be in the right place to receive this e-mail series. There will be free downloads throughout the e-mail series too, so you won't want to miss it.
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Heather Greutman, COTA
Heather Greutman is a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant with experience in school-based OT services for preschool through high school. She uses her background to share child development tips, tools, and strategies for parents, educators, and therapists. She is the author of many ebooks including The Basics of Fine Motor Skills, and Basics of Pre-Writing Skills, and co-author of Sensory Processing Explained: A Handbook for Parents and Educators.
We’re you at the OOTA conference where you saw the fine motor tool kit? If so I was the one that put it together for the raffle we held! If so, I am honored that you liked it so much, that you recreated it and shared it in your page! I enjoy your page and great activities!!
YES!! I was there. Thank you so much for putting that together, such an amazing idea!
How can I get this fine motor tool kit
Hi Attyia, I put this together myself with all the items that I listed above in the post. It is not for sale anywhere as a kit.
I love this toolkit. I’m sure here are hundred of ways you can use the items in this kit. Would you please be able to do a post outlining some of these activities? Thank you ?
Hi Anna, Yes that is a great idea. I will add that to my list of ideas!
Hi I dont know where to ask but I would like to find out if you perhaps could help me with something. I am an OT in South Africa I am a peads OT we have resently been approached by some school for a checklist type thing that can be given to teachers to recognise when a child needa OT or speech. Im particularly looking for one for OT. I thought I would ask before I sit and do one myself with OT information and things to look out for.
Really hope you could perhaps help me.